Downloadable Bibles

I came across a great resource yesterday: Several versions available, and all free 🙂

Staging Responsibility

I’ve written recently about both baptism and church membership. In those two posts, I argue both that the modern concept of “membership” is wrong, and that withholding baptism from a professing believer implies a more perfect knowledge of the state of someone’s soul than a mere human can claim to have. If membership is a […]

on Jesus as a “man’s man”

I came across this except recently in my meanderings, and feel it is worth reprinting here. Many think of Jesus as a weak, sad looking fellow. He has been depicted as such by artists around the world for thousands of years. I could be wrong, but personally, I think Jesus was a man’s man. Remember, […]

Being “of Age”

Is there an appropriate age at which someone can be considered for baptism? Is there an “age of majority” that needs to be considered before allowing someone who professes faith to be immersed in the baptistery? I am a firm adherent to believer’s baptism. When a sinner is saved by grace, it is both their […]